
Ubuntu setup ftp for wordpress
Ubuntu setup ftp for wordpress

ubuntu setup ftp for wordpress

Ĭreating home directory `/home/developer'.

ubuntu setup ftp for wordpress

sudo adduser developerĪdding new user `developer' (1001) with group `developer'. To do that, execute the following command: sudo adduser developerĮxecute the command, enter the password twice, hit Enter five times, and confirm the information with Y. Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/rvice enabled vendor preset: enabled)Īctive: active (running) since Mon 21:00:12 CEST 5min ago You should get the following output: sudo systemctl status rvice sudo systemctl start rvice & sudo systemctl enable rviceĬheck if the service is running properly. Once installed, start and enable the vsftpd. Install vsftpd daemonīefore we start with the configuration, we will install the VSFTPD daemon with the following commands: sudo apt install vsftpd sudo apt update -y & sudo apt upgrade -y Step 2. Update the system packages to the latest versions available.

ubuntu setup ftp for wordpress

User privileges: root or non-root user with sudo privileges.

Ubuntu setup ftp for wordpress